The meaning of life is ... to experience as much as possible. And the most beautiful notes of experience resound among the hills of Obsotelje and Kozjansko. Let them play for you the melody of spring memories that will warm your heart.


Vstop v stari zapor, pouk po starem in Kroflnov mlin

Duration 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Več o takratnih časih in življenju tukaj izveste, ko obiščete Kozje.

Duration 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Vstop v stari zapor, pouk po starem in Kroflnov mlin

Na prvi pogled Kozje zgleda kot vsaka druga vas. Trg, nekaj zgradb in to je vse. Ne, ne, Kozje nudi mnogo več. V Kozjem »nepridiprave zaprejo« v stari zapor nekdanjega Okrajnega sodišča Kozje, ki ima pet celic, kjer vam bodo pokazali kozjansko sodišče, gradivo iz takratne sodnijske pisarne ter seveda čisto pravo zaporniško celico. Iz zapora vas bodo peljali na »Pouk po starem« v Šolo moje mame, kjer je na ogled postavljena muzejska učilnica iz časov Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Ogledali si boste celoten razred z lesenimi klopmi, takratno šolsko torbo, lesene peresnice, kamnite tablice s kamenčki.

V časih digitalizacije, računalnikov, pametnih telefonov in tablic so tovrstni ogledi prava atrakcija za mlajše generacije, ki, dokler predmetov iz takratnih časov ne vidijo na lastne oči, ne morejo dojeti pouka, ki so ga doživele njihove babice.

Od tu boste izlet po Kozjem nadaljevali do Kroflnovega mlina, kjer boste za trenutek pomislili, da ste zakorakali v pravljico. Pa ne zato, ker bi vas tam pričakali Sneguljčica ali Rdeča kapica, pač pa zaradi narave, ki obdaja mlin. Zelo spokojna je in tako neokrnjena. Tam je še trava »drugače zelena«, pravljično zelena in zdi se, da potok, ki teče mimo ves čas nekaj šepeta. Včasih je bil Kroflnov mlin tudi dom mlinarja, kleparja, mizarja.  …

Več o takratnih časih in življenju tukaj izveste, ko obiščete Kozje. Vabljeni.


Sustainable travel means making smarter choices in all aspects of travel. It's about choosing the modes of travel that we want to be environmentally friendly, whether that's by offsetting CO2 emissions, reducing waste, staying in eco-friendly accommodation or shopping locally and supporting the community.

We also emphasize sustainability in our experiences, so we also urge you, dear visitors, to follow the following guidelines:


There are bins for proper separation of waste both at the destination and at each provider. We encourage the economical use of water, be it when washing hands, showering, etc.


We encourage the economical use of water, be it when washing hands, showering, etc. However, since the water at the destination is potable, you can avoid buying bottled water.


We encourage green travel - you can get to the center of the destination by train or bus. After the destination, you can also reach popular sightseeing spots by bicycle.


Buying local produce creates a positive effect both economically and environmentally. Because the shorter the distance the products travel, the smaller the carbon footprint. It also benefits local communities, especially in rural areas.

From each experience sold, we allocate 1 euro to encourage and cofinance providers of our tourist destination to be included in sustainable certification systems.